There is More to This Tale Than Most People Know!

A young woman and her child sister, observing sudden rain that Ammy (who is standing behind them with a smile on her face) has created.

In Honour of Ōkami’s positive achievements, this shrine fansite was created and fellow supporters’ praise displayed within it, for all fans to see and enjoy.

Man walking in park, carrying small dog.
Big day in the city (park) – by

Hey there! I’m Ben – a long-time Ōkami fan, Web developer and online producer, and also this fansite’s creator.

Ikumi Nakamura and Hideki Kamiya Twitter announcement of wanting to make a sequel to Okami, October 18 2019
“We want to make a sequel”

The decision to finally make a fansite showing off the beautiful artistic creations and sentiments of other fans, came in October 2019, after Ikumi Nakamura and Hideki Kamiya expressed their desire to create a sequel to the remarkable video game Ōkami.

Hideki Kamiya was Ōkami’s director and writer, and Ikumi Nakamura worked on Ōkami as an environment artist. Together with the skilled and dedicated people and President/CEO Atsushi Inaba of Clover Studio, they had created a beautiful and entertaining video game that positively touched many people around the world.

Where to Start!

Portrait painting of Ammy looking upwards.
Okami official art, from the artbook - The Map of Nippon.
Big Map of Nippon: Clover Studio, Capcom
Ammy tilts her head, Issun standing on her head.
Hi Ammy!: C.S., Capcom

You’ve found Ammy’s map! This fansite is all about discussing Ōkami and the beautiful things that Ōkami fans around the world want to show off.
This remarkable video game has inspired so much creativity – artwork, crafts, photos, stories and more. There are lots of things to do and see.

The fansite has three main sections:

  1. Web Pages
    Just what is Ōkami, anyway?! Here’s an overview of the official Ōkami stuff you can read, watch, collect and play with. You’ll find tips on where and how to best buy or borrow Ōkami goodies, and also links to other useful websites.
  2. Blog Pages
    My favourite and newest Ōkami goodies go straight here: fanart, news, Ōkami-related topics to discuss and more!
  3. Our Friendly Ōkami Fan Forum
    An ad-free and relaxed place for fans to say “Konnichiwa!” and talk about anything Ōkami-related, as well as post their own fanart and other related goodies.
    Any comments and discussions made on the blog posts also go there automatically.

Website Art, Graphics & Other Sources, Plus Posting & Linking Policies

Axel the dog in a library, reading a dictionary.

Website Art, Graphics & Other Sources, Plus Posting & Linking Policies

I thank all the artists and creatives featured on this fansite, for their beautiful and impressive contributions to us fellow Ōkami fans!

Every artwork, story or fan submission will have a source link or attribution beneath it, or the sources will be listed at the bottom of the page or on this page.

Here are the sources of art and graphics used throughout the fansite, but not immediately credited (due to design or practicality considerations):

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