HEY AMMY!: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #11

Very exaggerated poster-type drawing of Ammy with her mouth open, seemingly brashly shouting.

Bow-Wow! Ōkami fanart that’s a lot like the Ōkami fanart paintings and drawings in “Ammy the Symbol” but for a younger audience – an audience that still hasn’t felt the urgency of acquiring wisdom, but instead seeks adventure and excitement. (Resulting in the “unintended side-effect” of wisdom.)

These artworks show, and also invite the brashness of youth and the seemingly endless power and possibilities that unwavering belief in oneself and ones’ mission can bring about. Let’s leap right in!

Happy Moments: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #10

Ammy with a turnip in her mouth, running. Caption: "The Turnip Thief!"

What makes Ammy happy? Nature, beauty, friends, and simply life itself? Probably any of those things, but “borrowing” turnips may very well be all of those things at once!
Think about it; turnips are grown in the soil and part of nature, because nature is beautiful then so are fresh turnips… It’s with friends (Issun) that Ammy “borrows” them and she even makes new friends (a boy called Mushi and his dog Hayabusa) because of this, and the fun with digging and getting chased around is a thrilling reminder of being alive in a living world.

Okami official art: Mushi's mother, angry with fist raised.

(In case you haven’t played Ōkami yet – there’s a point in the game where you can be cheeky and steal borrow turnips from a field, while being chased around by the corpulent female vegetable grower.)

Battles Worth Fighting – Wounds of Combat: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #9

Ammy physically attacking a much larger Ninetails, teeth bared, flames and lightning flashing.

Ammy engaged in combat with evil, to bring light, life and beauty back into the world; herself however, inescapably drawn into the brutality, baseness and perils of direct battle.
Like the “Divine Retribution” post, but also showing the physical and emotional wounds, as well as the wrenching of the soul that facing evil can inflict. There is no beauty in combat, as necessary (or unnecessary) as it may be at times – it is only horror.
One can stand in awe of such combat’s spectacle, but hope to never be pulled in.

Magnifying Glass Over Issun: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #8

Issun on top of Ammy's head, making a powerful pose and facial expression.
Okami video game screenshot: Issun and Ammy looking at someone offscreen (Rao), Issun says "B-Busty babe..." and Ammy stares with open mouth.
So nice to meet you: Clover Studio, Capcom

Our favourite bug Poncle Issun, shown magnified so that we may observe him in his natural habitat.
Even though Issun was quite superficial and selfish at times, without him Ammy would have failed in her dangerous mission – having pulled himself together when she needed him the most.
If you’ve played through Ōkami, you’ll have witnessed just what a responsible and true friend Issun had become in the end.

Ammy the Symbol: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #7

Portrait painting of Ammy looking at viewer, flaming Divine Instrument floating behind her head.
Issun spreading leaflets, explaining who Ammy truly is: Sun Goddess Amaterasu
Issun paints and distributes Ammy leaflets – by Satsuki Yuu Awairo

The kind of artworks that Ōkami’s Issun (Ammy’s bug/friend) might paint:
Artworks that explain Ammy’s might and fitness to rid Ōkami’s polluted “Nippon” (ancient mythical Japan) of its demons, and inspire devotion towards Ammy amongst Nippon’s adults who have lost faith in the “Brush Gods”, or never had any faith to begin with.

These are works of art that depict a maturity and strength, that can only come with wisdom and experience, and a confidence that can only be earned by achievement. It is this kind of champion, that can still inspire confidence inside a jaded and tired heart.

Ammy and Clover: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #3

Ammy asleep near a large 4-leaf clover to the left of the painting. Very beautiful and lush plantlife all around, small waterfalls, a Guardian Sapling tree in full bloom.
Photograph of Hideki Kamiya
Hideki Kamiya: Source_Pending

While Hideki Kamiya (Ōkami’s director and writer) may have had the original idea for the Ōkami video game, it’s his work along with the people and President/CEO (Atsushi Inaba) of Clover Studio and their combined skills and efforts that had crafted an idea, into reality. The result of Hideki and Clover Studio’s hard work is a beautiful video game, which many thousands of people all over the world have profoundly enjoyed.

A Picture of Ammy: Ōkami Fanart Gallery #2

Portrait of Ammy, calmly sitting at the top of a mountainous region, looking towards her right

A fond and more personal reminder of Ammy, for those who know her well enough to not need a poster-type of picture to remember her by.

To continue this series of themed fanart blog posts, let’s imagine how those who had “actually witnessed” Ammy might want to remember her.

The kind of painting, drawing or sketch best understood by its owner; almost like a fond portrait of a family member, or admired and understood hero.

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